
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Error 0x00004005 While Running SCCM Capture Media in Windows 10

When you're creating a reference image for a specific laptop or desktop model using SCCM capture media, in the middle of the process (in sysprep stage) you might get 0x00004005.

Most common reason for this is, the store apps that comes with Windows 10.

You will able to find more details regarding this issue from log files in 2 locations.
  1. SCCM Task Sequence log (SMSTS.log) - on Run prompt type %temp% to go directly to log location.
  2. Sysprep Error Log (setuperr.log) - Go to C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\Panther\.
In SMSTS log it has the error code and details.

In SETUPERR log there's the store app that fail the sysprep process.

Removing those apps will lead to a successful reference media creation.

To do that, in a Windows Powershell session type,

Get-AppXPackage -Name Microsoft.RemoteDesktop | Remove-AppxPackage

After removing failing Apps again run the capture media and it should work.


  1. Woow Excellent, was the solution for me, Thank you very much for your post.

  2. Thank you. If anyone wants to remove all the appxs follow this link for commands
